M E D I C A L   A R T S   P H A R M A C Y   S E R V I C E S

Smoking Cessation Program

northwest arkansas smoking cessation programs
Our smoking cessation program focuses not only on nicotine addiction, but also the daily routines and triggers that make quitting so difficult.

The program includes a 2-week supply of nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum, or lozenges), free to the patient either through insurance billing or supplied via a partnership with the Arkansas Department of Health.

It also includes a free carbon monoxide screening of the lungs, and up to 5 counseling sessions to assist patients in identifying and changing routines and behaviors.

Medical Arts Pharmacy accepts most insurance plans, Medicare Part D, and Medicaid. For more information please call us at (479) 443-3411. We will bill Medicaid as primary insurance for diabetes testing strips and incontinence supplies. We will bill Medicare Part B diabetic testing supplies and vaccinations along with anti-rejection and nebulizer medications.