M E D I C A L   A R T S   P H A R M A C Y   S E R V I C E S

Diabetes Self-Management Education

Diabetes self care education at Medical Arts pharmacy
Medical Arts Pharmacy has recently been accredited by the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists to begin offering Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME). The goal of this program is to empower our patients to have a full understanding of their diabetes and how to manage it. Through both individual and group classes, we cultivate an environment where patients can create individual goals specific to their educational and diabetes management needs.

This program focuses on seven educational modules: developing healthy coping mechanisms, nutritional eating, physical movement, monitoring your glucose and overall health, taking medication and understanding how it works, understanding risks of uncontrolled or poorly controlled diabetes, and problem solving. While some may seem more obvious than others, each one of these modules play an important role in a patient’s journey with managing their diabetes.

Here at Medical Arts, we believe that our patients are more than just their numbers. This program is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach, as we realize everyone has their own specific goals, needs, motivators, and barriers.

We will work with each patient individually to ensure that each person is on the right path to achieve their goals and not only have better numbers, but feel better and more empowered to live a healthier and happier life.

If you or a loved one has diabetes (whether you’re newly diagnosed or have had it for years) and want to know more about this program, reach out to us at 479-443-3411 and allow us to assist.

Register Now!

Take a step towards a healthier future by signing up today for your Free Diabetes Consultation from Medical Arts Pharmacy. Click here to sign up!

Medical Arts Pharmacy accepts most insurance plans, Medicare Part D, and Medicaid. For more information please call us at (479) 443-3411. We will bill Medicaid as primary insurance for diabetes testing strips and incontinence supplies. We will bill Medicare Part B diabetic testing supplies and vaccinations along with anti-rejection and nebulizer medications.